Berta Saves The River

To bring awareness to the struggles of our Central American brothers and sisters, Global Partners: Running Waters is undertaking a new project centered on literacy & awareness building in our local classrooms.

Have you thought about how lucky we are to simply turn the tap and have running water flow into our home? How fortunate we are that we live near the Great Lakes and that we are surrounded by fresh water. And yet, there are so many families worldwide that only dream of having access to clean water.

These families are fighting for access to water on a daily basis. We call these courageous and conscientious individuals Water Defenders. These advocates oftentimes put their lives on the line to protect the community’s rights to water. I met with these families and got to know them personally during my recent human rights visit to Honduras, led by the U.S.-based SHARE Foundation. This experience broadened my knowledge of the struggle of people in both Guatemala and Honduras in their daily struggle to access water—- A basic human right.

I ask you to give the gift of social justice education and literacy to a classroom here in the States. To accomplish this, Global Partners: Running Waters has partnered with the SHARE Foundation and Berta book author Suzanne Llewellyn, to provide the bilingual (Spanish / English) book Berta Saves The River to classrooms in the Milwaukee area. The book details the struggles of water defenders in Honduras and highlights the life of Berta Cáseres, the Indigenous human rights leader of Honduras. All profits from Berta book sales go to families in Honduras directly affected by the devastation caused by mining and other resource extraction projects that threaten the livelihood of their communities. Please donate today or consider sponsoring a classroom on our waiting list.

$15.00 per book
$340.00 for 25 books (1 classroom set)

To donate books to a local classroom, add a note with the donation stating the donation is for “Berta Books.”

To purchase a book for yourself, please visit the SHARE Foundation website.