Welcome to the Partnership

Did you know how many people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water? In Latin America alone, 35 percent of the population lacks running water. For communities without clean water, children often fall ill and miss school. Women spend a large part of their day collecting water, preventing them from devoting time and energy to their families. Simply put, quality of life greatly suffers without clean water.

Global Partners: Running Waters changes that, one community at a time. To date, we have completed over 150 projects, impacting the lives of more than 310,000 people in Latin America.

The crew installs PVC pipes for the water line for the Las Guacamayas water project.

Water Project Spotlight

Agua Viva Water Project, Guatemala

Partner Spotlight

Asociación Unidos por la Vida

Guatemalan women and children collect water from a river.

Give the Gift of Clean Water

You can make a difference in rural communities in Guatemala!

Every day, women and children walk to fetch water to drink and use for daily activities. Together, we can provide these families with the most invaluable gift: clean water.